Monday, December 6, 2010

sorry for the break

School has been super busy lately but this is a post to catch you all up :) Let's see what have we done? Several still life set ups, several portrait assignments and even aerial photography! Here are the images from the past three weeks - Enjoy!

Aerial shot of our "target"

More aerial! :D

Silverware attempt #1 - just shot this today!

Separation of church and state, literally.

Portrait combining strobe and ambient light
some studio portraits

cute little still life i put together

a location portrait session with my awesome model Garrett

product white on white (got 100% on this!)

My promo card! got 100% on this too! :D

Saturday, November 13, 2010

more finals?

Yeah, way more actually. I took a few shots the past few days that I would really love to share with you- so here it goes.

This is my "home depot" shot - I love it, but that's just me.

This is my warm on cool shot - thanks again Taylor for being an amazing model!

Three shots left! Self portrait is up next :D

Thursday, November 11, 2010


The past two weeks we have all been working crazy hours on our final assignments for phase 1 and I am very happy to report that I'm halfway done! I wanted to share with you all what I've done so far and hopefully get some of you to model for my last few shots ;)

Here are a few :

Frozen Motion


 Product in an environment that "makes sense" haha

Black and white portrait of my hand - this might be reshot, I'm not sure yet

The shots I have left include:

My self portrait
Outside B&W portrait
Warm on Warm portrait expressing emotion

If anyone reading this in the area would like to model for any of these pictures let me know! If you aren't a student, you will get a print for free :D

Sunday, November 7, 2010


You would think that I would be feeling this immense amount of pressure this week but really, it's just not there. Maybe that means that I am not dedicated enough or maybe that I am just too relaxed of a person, who knows. Today was a great day either way though - I got to work with the lovely Kayly Orr (of no relation to John Orr, whoever that is) and we knocked this portrait assignment out! Here are the great results - I hope you enjoy them :)

Split Lighting
 Rembrandt/ 45-Degree short lighting
 Rembrandt/ 45-degree broad lighting
 Loop lighting
 Butterfly lighting
 Split lighting + a reflector
 Rembrandt + reflector
 Loop + Reflector

Thanks Kayly and Justin for helping me catch up from being sick! I think these turned out really it's time to work on the final for phase 1! ahh! 

Have a great Sunday everyone, GO BILLS!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

NYC oh dear.

It was a rough trip but I survived and still have an ongoing, life time lasting love for the greatest city in this whole entire universe. NYC always delivers in the giggles tho, including this spectacular man (name unknown) who was so kindly yelling at all the people walking by, letting them know how corrupt our generation is, as if we didn't previously know that as human kind develops, so does our perverse nature etc (I find myself enjoying these facts about my generation, it keeps things fresh) but yes, I happened to snap a quality image of our new friend - I think he's someone to watch out for on the tv priest circuit ;)
These are the other pictures I took while roaming Times Square with my friends Eduardo, Sabrina and Kayla - We saw some interesting things that night, all of these images below were shot at my hip level or slightly higher, I didn't see any of them til the train ride back that night - gotta love street photography :)
 The next two images are my favorite of the night. I love the red in the stairs and the clarity of the reflections!

 World Champs - quit the hatin' ;)
The next two are "typical" new york shots but I really enjoy them.

 This is the Path train system that goes from Manhattan to Hoboken NJ and back - SUPER convenient!

 And with that, readers, I must go work on my Phase One final - have a good one :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Nyquil and long hours

So I'm about to leave school - finally! I wanted to make this post before I did so though because I'm SO excited about this picture I just took of my friend Karin and her boyfriend Andrew (they're both GREAT sports and I'm super grateful to both of them) so here's the pic...I think it's pretty great. haha :)

PS I am a huge fan of miss Kayt Collins and I love her more than life.

Have a great night kiddies, good luck at graduation tomorrow section s! Congrats! :D

Sunday, October 24, 2010

pie and cider

I don't have any pictures to share with you lovely people today but I do have a lot to be thankful for. My family just left, with my sister crying in the back seat :( but I am so grateful to have a family like them. They brought me some really useful things such as - Q-tips, shampoo, COOKIES, pie, cider and cake donuts, and a MACBOOK bahhhh. If you didn't know, up until this point I've been using a Dell (boooo) but right now this blog is being posted on a PowerBook G4 (not the newest but hey, it has an apple on the front!). Above all else though, I was just so relieved to see my family. It'd been just over two months since the last time we were all together and that is a long time for me to be away from my sister who is the light of my life. I would like to use this opportunity to thank my parents for always being there and supporting me and helping me through this process of school. I don't think better parents exist out there. I am truly blessed. Anyways, are any of you readers going to do that assignment I gave you in the last post? I hope so! It honestly opens up your eyes to the colors around you (especially now that it's fall) and is honestly just a fun exercise. Let me know how it goes :) tootaloo !

Friday, October 22, 2010

It's been a while

It's FRIDAY! As happy as I seem to be that the week is over, it was actually a jam packed, super productive week at the 'job'. Monday we had a great guest speaker Gregor Halenda ( ) who, despite some technical difficulties, gave a great lecture and (I might be speaking for everyone but who cares?) really inspired us. I enjoyed listening to all his stories about shoots and I loved the idea of his video vacation! A really awesome guy all around ! Then we got into some cool stuff during the week like studio set ups and how to unzoom DT's iPhone 4. Wednesday we got to go on a field trip to a really cool place called Shelburne Falls. Our assignment was in COLOR! finally! We were exploring cool and warm colors and what happens with different combinations. This is how I translated the assignment -

Cool on cool

Cool on warm

Warm on cool

Warm on warm

Thank you to Garrett and Sabrina for being patient models! Overall it was a really great week - I can't wait to see my family who's coming to visit tomorrow! To everyone back home who's reading these, I miss you too! Tonight a few of us are gonna go see Paranormal Activity 2 - don't judge me readers - I saw the first one, I have to give this one a shot. Besides, the baby looks pretty scary in the ads! I'll let you guys know how it goes in my next post. In the meantime, I wanna challenge you to look at your surroundings a little differently this weekend and to take a picture that fits into one of the above categories - just make sure it's a picture that not only fulfills the color aspect, but it's an image that you'll want to look at a week later hanging up on a wall in a doctor's office. Keep it real internetarians.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's time to get serious

My first two posts were personal but that is not the purpose of this blog. This is so I can get used to blogging frequently. I'm lame I know but it simply has to be done for my career.

Today we had a great speaker in my marketing class - her name is Tiffany Wayne and she was awesome! It was really awesome to meet a working professional who also graduated from my school! I'm not sure how many people, if any, are reading this but every single one of you should check out her website - a truly inspiring woman and very talented!

We also started some studio stuff which, I'll admit was frustrating at first, but once I got the lighting down (and humbled myself and used my light meter) it worked out great! Our assignment we were working on today was portrait centered - we had to create a "classically beautiful" portrait, a more whacked out silly but still well lit portrait, and outdoor back lit portrait and an outdoor portrait in open shade - I have not completed the "crazy" portrait just yet, that will come later in the week but here are the three I did today. Thank you to all my lovely models I used today, even if the pictures didn't turn out the way we would have liked :)

This is the lovely MJ - she's amazing!

This is Molly, one of the coolest girls I go to school with :)

Another assignment we're working on is a stock photography assignment. We are supposed to have the theme "Autumn in New England" here is what I have so far - (the model featured is my friend Spencer who is a real trooper)

Thanks again to everyone who has helped me with these projects...can't wait to see what comes next! :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Oh I'm starving.
My tummy is growling.
It's about to be on.
I just wanted to make a few statements.
Too little too late.
If you only knew.
Why not me.
Fuck it is in my system, don't start.
Let's cuddle.
The end.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Hey there, how's it hangin?
Everyone seems to have a blog so I thought I'd start one.
These days I am living in MA and attending photography school.
It's pretty fun.
I live in a house with three people.
That is also fun.
I am currently 20 years old.
It is NOT fun.
20 kind of really sucks actually.
All of my friends are at least 21.
Most of them are older than that tho.
I love my family.
I hate nature for the most part.
I dropped my iPhone and cried.
Hopefully now you feel as though you have a teency bit of insight into my personality.
I am very sarcastic.
Very sarcastic.
I most likely won't like you.
However I will always give it an effort.
My extracurriculars are not always that favorable with the law.
I will never tell you what they are.
I keep secrets for as long as is requested of me.
I like to use odd words for the most simple things.
I like to keep you guessing.
Most people would meet me and make a comment about three things.
My hair.
My height.
My tattoos.
No one ever notices anything else at first.
My dog is better than yours.
As is my baseball team.
My football team is most likely worse than yours.
It is a lifetime love.
My stomach is growling.
It is time for food.
I bid thee farewell.